Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kiss it better

So... Ezra's foot was on the toilet seat when he slammed the lid on his toes. He cried showed me the bottom of his foot where the "injury" was and requested the healing powers of a kiss. Hmm...the bottom of a foot having just been on the highly sanitary toilet seat. So I cleverly turned his foot lovingly holding it in my hand and kissed my thumb. "No," Ezra said, "it's this part of my foot." So I kissed my fingers and lovingly rubbed the healing exlickser onto his foot. It still wasn't good enough so I finally settled on changing the subject, "Did you want to play Hi-Ho Cherry-O?" Narrowly dodged that bullet.

1 comment:

  1. ha! ha!! I should say so.

    Hey, I love that you guys have a blog. Thanks for letting me know. I can't believe how big Ezra has gotten. Wow!

    I've got a blog as well. Send me your email if you'd like an invite. Take care guys :)
